Get Involved


Leave a gift in
your will to help those
who need it the most

Your bequest, will give the greatest gift of all, which is to Restore Dignity to a family starting a new chapter.

The victim-survivors of Domestic Violence that we assist, typically have nowhere to go, they are left destitute having fled a violent household. They have to pick up the pieces, and start all over again.

Your Gift, will help a family on their journey of recovery, not only restoring their dignity, but also restoring their faith in the community. Through your Gift, these families will know that no matter how down and out you are, there is ALWAYS someone who cares.


We feel that this is such a valuable lesson to learn, especially to the young children that we assist. We believe that one day, they, like You, will make that decision of Giving to someone, they have never seen.


You will likely never meet those whom You are Helping, but through your Gift, You would have Changed Their Lives. For the Better. You would have Helped Break the Cycle of domestic violence.


Without the Support of people like You, we would not be able to function. It is only through the generosity of our Donors, and their Continued Support, that we are able to Positively impact people’s lives, every day.

Our partnership with Gathered Here

Making or changing your Will to include a gift to Friend with Dignity could be as simple as contacting your legal advisor and they will do all the important work for you.  Alternatively, you could use an online option to create a simple Will. 


We’ve partnered with Gathered Here, an online Wills and Estates law firm, who host a free and easy step-by-step online Will writing service. It takes less than 10 minutes .

You can make a difference

You can make a difference by giving to those who need it the most, through your will

Should this be something you consider, below please find guidelines – as well as suggested wording – which you could use in your will.

Types of Gifts

A specific bequest

You can leave any identifiable property as a gift to Friends With Dignity. A specific gift may include a sum of money, balances in a bank account, a residential or commercial property or shares in a company.


It could also include personal wear or adornment items (i.e. clothing, jewellery and watches), household furniture and effects, or any other personal items that could assist people who have escaped domestic violence start their new journey.

Part or whole of your residual estate

You can make your gift to Friends With Dignity a whole or a percentage of your residual estate (i.e whatever is left after all specific gifts have been distributed to the beneficiaries named in your Will, funeral expenses and other debts have been paid).

Suggested wording

If you have any questions or should you have decided to add Friends with Dignity to your will, please let us know at:


and we will ensure you are added to our quarterly newsletter should you wish.


Should you require assistance on this matter, feel free to consider the services of the Wills & Estates Team at Minter Ellison. Their firm has been a great supporter of Friends with Dignity, and for this we are incredibly thankful.

Here you can find suggested wording to make a gift to Friends With Dignity in your Will or Codicil (amendment to your Will).

Depending on the type of gift you would like to leave Friends With Dignity, select option a or b.


“I give:

a) the sum of $(amount); or (specific items); or
b) the residue (or percentage) of the residue of my estate


to Friends With Dignity Limited (ABN 53 608 105 004) to be applied towards its general purposes. The receipt of the officer (being the officer who is authorised to issue receipts) of Friends With Dignity Limited is a full discharge to my trustees and they are not obliged to see or enquire into the application of the subject matter of such provision.”


(Please note the suggested wording is only a guide and legal advice should be sought when preparing your Will or Codicil).

Join Us

We invite all Australians to join us in supporting victim-survivors of domestic violence as we work
towards building a nation free from domestic violence.